Highlights from a Hard Year

There really is no two ways about it: this school year has been hard. Really hard. I taught AP stats for the first time, it was my first year as a 6-12 math specialist, and our district piloted new curriculum. I was challenged as a teacher and to be completely honest, as an overall human being over the last 9 months like I couldn’t have predicted. I pride myself in finding the silver lining, always. This isn’t a skill I was born with; it’s something I practice. And this school year had plenty of silver even though it took some polishing to make it shine. But I believe that I have the ability to create happiness from within so I found 10 great things from this year.

 Here are my top ten highlights from the 2016-2017 school year:

1. As part of our math professional development, I got to share Principles to Actions with 30 math teachers from across the district. 

2. We used M & Ms a LOT in AP Stats. And that was delicious for everyone.

3. I shared this amazing book with tons of teachers with young kids at home. 

4. I found a coherent learning sequence for  non-AP stats that is both challenging and engaging.

5. I got to present at NCTM on Stats and Social Justice with this amazing​ human.

6.  I subbed in a theater class and learned a ton about another curricular area and experienced the joy of watching kids be creative.

7. I introduced my algebra class to my spirals.

8. I got this lovely note on teacher appreciation day.

9. I learned so much about the intensity required to teach an AP course with fidelity. 

10. I learned to accept change as a natural part of teaching, even if it means letting go of something you don’t want to release

There are 10 school days left for me this year. I know they will be filled with joyful learning, exciting transitions, and some sad goodbyes. But the pool is calling my name for the summer. But I’m eager to dive in to next year’s adventures.